Woman's green eyes

What are milia? Causes, treatments & prevention tips

Milia, also called milk spots, are harmless but annoying tiny white keratin-filled cysts found on the face. They are very persistent and can sometimes stay for weeks, months or longer. Fortunately, there are several ways to remove and avoid milia.

We often hear: are milia the same as pimples? And at first glance, it is easy to confuse milia with whiteheads but the truth is that they’re very different. Unlike spots, milia are usually found around your eyelids and on the drier parts of your skin. Also, they are not inflamed, red or painful like spots and they require a different treatment as they are solid lumps and set deeper in the skin.

What you can expect:

  • What causes milia?
  • How to get rid of milia?
  • Milia treatment

What causes milia?

These tiny, white lumps can occur in all skin types and ages and are often found around the eyes and cheeks. They are small pockets of dead skin cells that can arise spontaneously after the dead skin gets trapped underneath the skin’s surface. In some cases, milia can also develop when the skin has been damaged due to sun exposure, burns, abrasions or from using unsuitable skincare products.

How to get rid of milia?

Given enough time, milia often goes away but sometimes more help is needed. These 3 tips will help you get smooth, milia-free skin:

1. A consistent skincare routine using gentle, well-formulated products is essential: choose a mild cleanser to remove dirt and make-up, a toner to soothe and an SPF 30 to protect skin from the sun
2. Daily exfoliation with a gentle BHA helps to remove any trapped dead skin cells
3. You can also choose professional milia treatment from a skin therapist or beautician, where they gently prick the milk spots with a needle (do not try at home!)

Milia treatment

As milia are not spots, spot treatments will be ineffective. If you’re thinking, can you squeeze milia to get rid of the milk spots – no, we do not recommend squeezing or puncturing milia. Squeezing will damage the skin around the milia and make them even more noticeable because their content isn’t fluid.

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