Prodotti per il corpo

Prodotti per il corpo

Body care – una bella pelle dalla testa ai piedi

I prodotti per la cura del viso possono essere applicati anche sul collo e sul petto. Ma la skincare non può limitarsi al viso. Concediti una coccola con i numerosi prodotti Paula’s Choice per la cura del corpo. Sono stati tutti appositamente sviluppati per la cura della pelle del tuo corpo. Scopri di più


2 Risultato trovato Elimina filtri
2 risultati
Ordina per:
Filtra per:
  • Tipo di pelle

    Tipo di pelle

    2 Risultato trovato Elimina filtri
  • Bisogni della pelle

    Bisogni della pelle

    2 Risultato trovato Elimina filtri
  • Formato


    2 Risultato trovato Elimina filtri
  • Categorie


    2 Risultato trovato Elimina filtri
  • -20%
    Tutti i tipi di pelle
    Imperfezioni, Anti-age, Cheratosi pilare

    Rimuove le cellule morte che si sono accumulate sulla pelle

    Lascia la pelle morbida e idratata

    Questa accoppiata vincente trasforma la pelle secca, irregolare e con imperfezioni dal collo in giù, lasciandola liscia, morbida e idratata.

    Ceramidi, Burro di karitè, Acido salicilico/BHA
    20% di sconto
    15% di sconto sul set
    Prodotto in formato viaggio
    Prodotto in formato viaggio
    Spedizione gratuita
  • -20%
    Tutti i tipi di pelle
    Imperfezioni, Anti-age, Cheratosi pilare

    Lascia la pelle più morbida e levigata

    Rimuove le cellule morte che si sono accumulate sulla pelle

    Riduce i brufoli arrossati

    Esfolia delicatamente la pelle secca, ruvida e a tendenza acneica, rendendola idratata, liscia e morbida.

    Acido salicilico/BHA, Antiossidanti, Estratto di Fiori di Camomilla
    20% di sconto
    Prodotto in formato viaggio
    Prodotto in formato viaggio
    Spedizione gratuita
Sposta in alto

What is the right bodycare routine?

Like your face, the rest of your body also requires skincare. You may not often think about it, but the skin on your neck and chest is also regularly exposed to UV radiation. Skin that is regularly exposed (without protection) to UV radiation is often more sensitive and signs of skin ageing will become more visible over the years. Your skin will be more easily affected by pigmentation, wrinkles and fine lines. When it comes to your neck and chest, your regular facial skincare products (such as a facial cleanser, toner, exfoliant, etc.) are perfectly suitable. These products ensure the skin of your body looks just as beautiful and fresh as that of your face. Nevertheless, our wide range also includes specific bodycare products. Feel free to take a look and order your preferred bodycare products.

Bodycare for beautiful, smooth skin

Coarse body scrubs are a prime example of bodycare products you should avoid at all cost. After all, they may irritate your skin and cause inflammation. Red bumps on your body that feel like goosebumps cannot be removed with merely a scrub. Instead, the real problem lies in the lower layers of the skin, which scrubs, facecloths and bath spongers cannot reach. We therefore recommend always using AHA or BHA products. AHA and BHA exfoliants promote the natural removal of skin cells and will ensure a smoother skin. A bodycare product with beta hydroxy acid (BHA/salicylic acid) is effective down to the pores. Products with salicylic acid are therefore ideal for combating the red bumps of keratosis pilaris-prone skin.

Buy Paula's Choice bodycare products

Want to give your body proper skincare too? Make sure you treat your body with the appropriate Paula's Choice bodycare. Order today and experience a fast and inexpensive delivery. Ultimately unsatisfied with your purchase? Take advantage of our 60 day money-back guarantee. We'll make sure to pay back the purchase price.

Beauty begins with truth

Our philosophy? Smart, Safe Beauty. The products you use should work and be good for your skin, no exceptions. Based on our heritage in consumer advocacy, each of our formulas is effective, safe and backed by cited research. We uncover the truth about skincare and share all of the facts with you along the way - because keeping your skin healthy shouldn't be a mystery.

Our products do what they promise and we want you to experience that for yourself, that's why we offer a 60 day money-back guarantee. If you are not satisfied with your purchase, contact us within 60 days for a full refund.

We're here to help

For any questions about our products or for help on building a skincare routine, please contact our Customer Care team. Our skincare experts are on hand to help you find the best products for your skin.